Cold Wallet

Enhanced security for long-term storage

Lupi Wallet's cold wallet is the epitome of security, serving users looking for long-term asset storage and preservation solutions. These offline wallets prioritize protecting assets from potential online threats, offering the following features:

Advanced Security: Cold wallets operate offline, minimizing exposure to online vulnerabilities. This offline nature greatly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.

Asset Preservation: Designed for users with a 'hold' strategy, Cold Wallets provide the ideal solution for long-term asset storage. Whether it's long-term investing or preserving digital assets, Cold Wallets provide peace of mind.

Air-gapped transactions: The offline nature of Cold Wallets ensures air-gapped transactions, minimizing the risk of online attacks. Users can securely sign transactions, even on compromised devices, ensuring the integrity of their assets.

Asset Transfer: While Cold Wallets prioritize security, Lupi Wallets understand the need for occasional liquidity. Users can transfer assets seamlessly between Hot Wallets and Cold Wallets, creating a balance between security and accessibility.

Biometric Authentication: To further enhance security, Cold Wallets can incorporate advanced biometric authentication methods, adding an extra layer of protection to user funds.

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