
Phase 1

  • Enhance the underlying infrastructure

  • Implement advanced encryption protocols

  • Conduct a comprehensive security check

  • Introducing additional security features

  • Launch an extensive user education campaign

  • Develop user-friendly resources and guides

  • Crowdfunding

  • Integrated cold wallet storage solution

  • Share the benefits of cold storage

Phase 2

  • Perform a comprehensive user interface and user experience overhaul

  • Focus on intuitive and seamless navigation

  • Introducing advanced customization options

  • Allows users to tailor their Lupi Wallet experience based on personal preferences

  • Integrated support for additional tokens and networks

  • Prioritize tokens based on user needs and emerging trends

Phase 3

  • Enhanced smart contract capabilities in Lupi Wallet

  • Explore new capabilities and use cases

  • Increased integration with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols

  • Allows users to directly participate in more DeFi activities

Last updated